When you request a title replacement, you must be the owner of the vehicle and have a current U.S. Only 8.5% of households in America don’t have a vehicle As you complete your answers, the appropriate forms automatically fill out making it a convenient process including Form MV-902: the application for duplicate title. Just state if your name appears on the New York State vehicle title, let them know the car’s VIN (number), and if you’re the registered owner too. eTags walks you through a set of questions, so they can better assist you with what you need. You can skip all of that and request your NY duplicate title online. If the version of Adobe does not allow you to save the information you typed, you can print the form and fax it to (518. Step 2: Provide complete and accurate information for the vehicle (s) or boat (s) in question. In Manhattan alone, new car registrations went up 76% in 2020 and in Brooklyn, registrations climbed 45%ĮTags: licensed by the New York State DMV Step 1: Provide your contact information (if you are a lending institution, include your lien filing code).
SEE ALSO: FIRST-TIME NEW YORK VEHICLE REGISTRATION Should you decide to mail your application and request, your paperwork goes to the Title Bureau’s PO Box in Albany, NY 12220 The vehicle titles are printed in Albany and mailed to car owners. But you should know that when ordering a title replacement with the DMV, you won’t be issued the duplicate title on the spot. There are a few ways to request a duplicate car title in New York State, including at a local DMV office and by mail. The New York Times, citing data from the Department of Motor Vehicles, revealed car registrations jumped 37% between August and October of 2020 in New York ( Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx) DMV, mail, or online